Posted on 9/24/2021
Some of our customers at Lighthouse Automotive Inc are surprised to learn that there are actually two service schedules for their vehicles. One is the regular schedule and the other is the severe service schedule. Let's look at what the manufacturers say constitutes severe driving conditions and let you draw your own conclusions: Most of your trips are less than four miles/six kilometers Most of your trips are less than 10 miles/16 kilometers) and outside temperatures are below freezing The engine is at low speed most of the time – not on the highway You operate your vehicle in dusty areas You regularly tow a trailer, carry heavy loads or a car-top carrier Stop and go driving Driving in very hot or very cold weather So you can see that a lot has to do with how you drive, but some has to do with where you drive. Some areas of the country will be more or less severe than it is here in NC. For many, normal driving includes elements of severe servic ... read more